National Day Qatar 2018

The embassy of Qatar in Mexico celebrated the national day on 13th of december 2018, where they were present special guests from mexican ministries, organizations ,business men and media. His excelency the ambassador Mohamed Al Kuwari gave a word where he emphasized the importance of national day for Qatar as a special day to remember the founder Sheikh Jassim who instilled the principles of peace, union and sovereignity in Qatar, he also pointed out the bilateral relations with Mexico, and mutual agreements.
As well as, he congratulated Mexico's new president ,wishing prosperity and success for the mexican government and the development for both countries.
Also, he talked about the preparations of the country ahead of FIFA World Cup 2022, describing the World cup as a very important event for Qatar and the world, as it will be the first world Cup to held in a middle eastern country, and he shed the light on the development of the infrastructure in the country under the Vision of Qatar 2030, for sustainable development.
Qatar Petroleum one of the world's largest producer of liquified natural gas won in Mexico at the beginning of 2018, the exploration rights in more than 4 blocks in the gulf of Mexico,more than that, many mexican companies are operating in Qatar providing the market with fresh products and supplies.